kerana disebabkn ayat ini "jom gi KL!", aku pun teruja nk tulis post ini.
jalan citenye start mcm ni.
chapter 1 : penatnye kakiku...d'sbbkn cadangan roommate aku, ma dan fafa, nk gi KL.
so, aku trus pikir nk tgk alice in wonderland n jd tourist guide.
aku dan pika pikir byk tmpat n in the end, we choose TS n another place.
not sure where. mid or KLCC
bgn pkl6pg. mandi2. fafa kejut pika n nita pkl 6:30pg. demi gi KL.
tp bile smpai sana, tiket yg available pd pkl 9.
smpai KL pkl 12ptg. yg aku da start mood swinging. happy giler!
naik monorail n trun kat TS.

smpai TS. 1st stop adalah tandas.
n then, we went to food court.
sblm tu, naik escalator yg bapak la tinggi n byk smpai ma xnk pndang bwh langsung.
n the food we order is ERGH!!!
terlalu sweet n terlalu sour.

maar's lemon erghh rice, capika's smiling bloated face rice, inda's 'kutip' chicken only rice, nita's eat little rice, fafa's eat vegetable only n leftover rice]

sepupu yg terhebat dan nape ade tanduk belakang aku? eish. sapa la org tu?]
after tht, we went to GSC. n the line was so long n we try take a risk tht watch movies at mid.
by tht decision, we went to LOWYAT. nita da start mengeluh sbb pnat jalan2.

n fafa got a new handphone. sony ericsson n my fav point, it is a
slide phone. i like slide phone!!!

n then, we went to the rollercoaster. tmpat yg ma dan fafa nk gi sesgt but d'sbbkn price tiket bapak la mahal, so kteorg gi Mid pulak.
chapter 2 : i got bad newsotw gi mid, bapak la lama. smpai sana dlm pkl4:30. so, xdpt tgk alice in wonderland.

aku da mula bad mood n then, kteorg tgu je kat line bapak la pnjng kat cinema.
tgk alice selling fast so npe aku berharap lg.

koleksi gmbr di GSC Mid Valley. maaf aku xde. xde mood nk amik gmbr.]
bodohnye aku. smpai counter, alice full house. mmg aku trus bad mood la.
demi nk ilangkan bad mood ini, kteorg gi food court n aku order korean food
courtesy of cik capika

aku order seafood ramyun. sdp duh!

mereka terkenal dgn gelak tawa yg kuat dan suke buat lawak]

n for the 1st time, rasa kimchi. BWELK!!! pedas!
aku still bad mood so amik kptsn gi my fav place in shopping complex which is MPH.
aku xde dlm gmbr ni sbb aku gi dulu, bru dyeorg msk.

dyeorg keseronokan while aku kesedihan. cuz AIW. hate tht mvie. da xdpt msk dlm gmbr2 yg happy ni.]

npe kak ta buat mcm tu? ape yg dye nmpk? heehee]

cik capika famous for weird things. hehe. sorry ye pika.]
n d'sbbkn penat so kteorg kat KTM.
nk balik umah cik capika.
while waiting, taking pictures together.

smuaorg penat. penat jln2. sempat lg aku smile kat camera.]

sempat lg dyeorg smile. hebat la dyeorg. tp gmbr satu lg, nmpak kak ta penat. heehee. oh, cik capika xpnat sbb nk balik umah dye. hehe]

fafa as usual, her peace. apahal aku senyum sorg? i am crazy?]
part 2 adalah kat umah cik capika di taman ramal suria, kajang.
after mkn kat food court TS so taking pictures together time!

malunye aku. nape la cik capika amik gmbr ni? ^ __ ^]