da lama x update blog...
ni smua berlaku kerana FINAL EXAM!!!
i have 6 papers and 1 have finish, CTU151.
okay but after check the answers, start to takut!!!
now, esk, ade 2 paper which is culus aka calculus 1 and english.
i have study culus for 4 days and my head is getting crazy!!!
thank god i have 5 days to study row echelon and 138.
inda chaiyok!!!
lps cuti sem, nk pndang muka bf bru sya je la lps ni.
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my life
cuti sem!
where r u?
i want to do my routine at my house...
which is watching tv dramas!
this is will be my 1st k-drama to watch after final exm...
cinderella's sister
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my life
i don't know what to say...
i am sorry~
i am a person when i hurt my friends, i will cry...
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my life
aku still seorang yg negatif. igt da ada postitif dlm diri
tp tidak
sya notice ini bile buat nota ctu
bile nk dkt putus asa tulis nota, aku rehatkn diri dgn mengambil gmbr diri sendiri
hahaha. * inda nk vain tp xjd
kdg2 jeles tgk org bwh webcam dgn bfnye...
bile aku nk jmpa jodoh aku???
tu allah swt sahaja yg tahu.
penat duh buat nota ctu~
bru buat mksud tamadun blum buat yg lain
erghh!!! takut! dahla tinggal 8hari nk exm ctu.
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my life
now, i caught in 2 choices...
the first one or sacrifice choice
which one shud i choose??????
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my life
ade org tu bru dpt award 4 the first time. congrats capik!
ni award aku yg ketiga.

Here are the rules to accept the award :
1. Thank & link the person that gave you the award :
syafiqah aka capik
2. pass this award onto 15 or 5 bloggers you've recently discovered and think are fantastic
* noorul hidayah
* nuha muneerah
* inda aisyah
* najma izyan
* syafiqah jasmin
3. Contact said Blogs and let them know they've won the award
4. State 7 things about yourself
* like korean or proper word crazy!
* ank pertama
* suke jerit2
* suke call mak
* nk dpt dekan
* lari dr tempat ni
* love my friends
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been tagged
mmg sem ni adalah sem yg mencabar jiwaku...
aku xthu npe bnda ni terjadi.
mybe setiap org xleh accept diriku *excpt daia
yg pasti mak aku udah ckp pd saya dan sya patut igt nasihat tu selamanye.
after this, i will keep silent to make sure there is no misunderstanding between us
tp yg saya tahu, balik sini after mid sem break, kepalaku mkin sakit
mula igt sbb parents tp termsk perkara yg berlaku di sini
dan after dinner, perutku start rasa sakit yg amt truk.
bkn nk pegi tandas or period pain.
i don't noe what is it.
bgn pagi hari ni, mata belah knan merah.
xthu npe. mybe cuz atas katilku ade byk habuk
yg pasti, xsakit.
takut sakit mataku dtg balik.
dahla nk dekat final exm.
adakah aku menghidapi satu penyakit?
adakah aku patut jumpa doktor?
adakah aku patut jumpa pakar psychiatrist?
noorul hidayah, HELP ME!
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my life
*sorry ye capika kerana mengguna namamu. heehee
aku sudah penat hidup aku ni...
aku sudah penat dgn masalah bertimbul2 dtg...
so, aku akn independent after this
like my mum said
"cannot depend on people sometimes. you shud not getting your hopes on your frens.
in the end, u will get hurt"
so, nxt time, inda ishadah,
do not do stupid things!
before act stupid, must think first!
don't care bout others tht talk behind yur back
you just do yur own things.
don't cry anymore
shud save your tears to anyone tht cherish you the most
n i have a new wish.
n i will make this wish come true!
chaiyok, INDA!!!
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my life
da lama x update blog...
aku xthu nk tulis ape lg...
mybe diri lama da kembali. iaitu mlas nk buka blogger or MS or FB...
suke tgk forum n watching dramas.
aku dpt thu mxt week ade 2 test...
1 - csc138, 2 - possibly csc159.
i'm DEAD!
xsabar nk abis sem ni...
where, where, r you cuti sem???
nasib baik kali ni jadual final exm till ade gap.
4, 5, 2, 2.
dan rasa pelik dgn diri sendiri...
don't noe why.
i alwys menyusahkn org je.
sya nk minta maaf pd sesapa yg bca post ni...
mybe my frens who only read my post.
sorry if i have done wrong to you or suddenly screaming to yur ears....
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my life