perbezaan antara kwn n kwn baik


sya notice bnda nie dah lama dah tp sya still xreti differentiate between frens n best friend.
sya igt kwn yg sya rpt skrg nie adalah kwn baek tp terbalik rupenye.

perbezaan antara kwn n kwn baek adalah: (ini adlh pendpt sya)

* apebile kte dlm kesusahan, kwn baeklah yg akn tlg kte.
* apabile salah satu keluarga kte accident, kwn yg menanya kondisinye skrg adalah kwn baek
* apebile birthday kte n dye wish ucapan yg menyentuh atie kte, dye la best buddies
* even though asyik kuar dgn kwn2, xsemestinya dye best friend kte.
* kte d tmpt jauh exmple overseas n kwn itu still cntct kte, dye adlah kwn baek kte.

tht's all tht i can say rite now~
tp sya still appreciate them. they alwys by my side.

n plez visit
i like her new official site. about SPEAK NOW~

it's the wrong time~


pelik btul mnusia nie.
ak da pikir nk ubh diri sendiri.
nk lupakn dye n jd org yg kuat bkn mcm skrg, LEMAH!
tp dye mncul balik tyme ak nk lupakn dye.

npe tyme nie dye muncul balik?!
tyme ak nk lupakn dye!

fed up!


smpai umh...

sya trus ttp phone. mls nk hiraukan bnda yg xptut tahu pn. i will stop this!
i don't wnt the same mistake happen again~ just thought of him as frens~
now, just focus on finals! u can do it!!!!
jgn jd sorg yg lemah smpai org nk ambil kesempatan ats ko.

angah, sila la sdr dr koma. sya xnk awkk tidur lama mcm tu~ rmai yg nangis kernamu.
sila la sdr~~



mgu yg pling stress skali.
kerna ade test JAVA, test CULUS, test ECO, test KOKO, presentation JAVA n presentation MULTIMEDIA!!!
adui~ mmg stress mgu nie. dahla nk kuar plak kuantan plak mgu dpn.
shud i ikt dyeorg or not???
tp tkt xsmpat nk study~ hmm~ wht shud i do?

n bertmbh lg sakit paleku cuz ak gduh dgn marissa...



ak bnci org yg mengacau thp melampau!
bnci sesgt!!!

ps: ak dpt dwnld SHINee - Hello MV!!! (HD)

chocolate indulgence~


i like this cake!!!
so yummy~

ak bru je mkn cake nie kerna harinie bru smbt birthday. 01/10/2010
thnks to my besties, daia n mira 4 the best gift n the best cake.!!!
thnks to my mum cook delicious bihun sup!
thnks to makyang, pakyang n maklang 4 coming to my house today!
thnks to my dad give me present: purse!

thnks to people who wish me : dad, lil sis, lil bro, mum, jihan, mel, meera, opie, tasha, shini, putra, maar (wakil bilik B109), capik, anati, angah, along, yana, nat, ada, hazira, syafa, rabie, mira sepupuku, midi, zawani, cik puan sarah, ryan, ooi, kakpah, badrul, adam, din, maksu, maksu yana, huda, aiman, manda, allysha, miss fairuz, khairi, eimah, zuria, senior cs n maklangku.

even though this year is not grand like last year but it will kept in my head forever becuz 1st time, celebrate cake with my friends!
love korg! syg sgt korg!!!

can i get a boyfriend for my birthday present?


i really want to experience couple.~
i don't know why i think this again. naturally, i suddenly thought about this.
mybe becuz my members always 'usik' me about N.
mybe tyme final exm, i will forgot about this.

but i-want-to-experience-it...