Curious why I put Sky of Love as my main title? I put my name as Sky of Love also. Firstly, i fell in love with this name. Daily, i open youtube and one day, i watch top 5 japanese drama cuz it hav hana yori dango. And at no.2, it was Koizora, J-movie. Why Koizora captured my attention cuz there was a guy that hav a WHITE hair! that's really weird.
i search Koizora in Wikipedia and it was a movie about a girl,Mika who lost her handphone and she searched her hp in school libary. suddenly, there was a sound in the library and she followed the sound. she thought that her friend called from her hp but when she answered, it was a guy who called. she asked who is this but he said secret. since that accident, she always get phonecall from that guy and they always talking through hp until they set a date to meet eachother.they meet at the swimming pool and she surprised by Hiro appearance: hav a white hair! they became bf and gf (couple). since then, their love blooms like flower but out of nowhere, Hiro asked her for break-up without telling the reason. Mika was depressed and she vow that she never fall in love with somebody again. Then, she found Yu who was trying to make her happy again and she open her heart to Yu but on the nite of Christmas Eve, she discovers the reason why Hiro ask for break-up.
why Koizora? Koizora in English is 'Sky of Love'. i didn't watched this movie cuz i didn't know that Koizora was based on mobile love story and was hit at Japan box office for 3 weeks. when i went to my grandmother's house at Kedah, my aunt that like korean drama showed me the DVD's she brought. i was shocked that she brought Koizora. i asked my aunt for lent it until i backed to Kedah again.
i watch Koizora today. this is the 2nd time i cried so much until i hav a headache. the 1st time when i watch 'I'm Sorry I Love You'. i really like the setting, how the places was beautiful and that nature captured my heart: the river, the sky, the snow and the flower field. although, the ending was.... but it was beautiful movie.
this is the pictures from Koizora: