mak kte bg satu good news.... mak kte dpt bonus. so, kte cuba mintak smua bku twilight book as my present for my birthday and..... she agrees. hooray, i will get my twilight books at last. 2moro, i will get my new moon at mph sacc. the other two saya tempah hari ni but might be dah abis. asalkan dpt new moon tu sudah. and my mom said dye nk beli digital camera and at least la laptop for me tp kte xkn hrpkn ttg laptop sbb tkut xcukup duit.
February 25, 2009 at 1:57 PM
fuyoo sonoknye inda waa ini tak boleh jadi.
hahaha nuha dah habis baca. sob sobb
February 26, 2009 at 1:29 PM
sekjp lg dpt la new moon tu