ckp sikit2 je, then bila tny bru dyeorg jwb. Diorg pikir kte ni xpenting. Tp mcm mana kteorg bleh rapat blk? Kna la slalu kuar dgn diorg. Makan sama2, gi kelas sama2 etc. Takpe awk mkn hati kejap sbb nnti awk akn nmpk hasilnya. - noorul hidayah
biar jela dgn kwnmu tu. jgn depend on your frens anymore. just be independent.
- roshanita
jgn pikirkn sgt apa orang kata. Diorg lagi suka atau tengok awak lembik or asyik dgr kata org. Just b urself & follow your heart...
- noorul hidayah
skang ni, jdkan pkare ni pngajarn..wat kali kdua.. cbe utk x wat kslhn yg sme k.. something yg baik msti akn blaku kat ko someday. Ko xyah ssh2 nk crik "love" tu. It'll come 4 u..wat pe nk ssh2 kn..
- capika
so ko kne ubh la skang..dorg xksh psl ko,ko xyh nk ksh2 psl dorg..ak nk ckp dorg xde ati prot ke pe ntah ak pn xtaw la..mybe dri dorg cmtu kot..ko pk psl ko je la inda..ko amek brt psl org,tp ko pk x yg de ke org amek brt psl ko?xde kn..xyh nk trhegeh2 kat dorg..p lntok depa la.tiap org laen..
August 31, 2009 at 1:06 PM
I was missing Jengka so I googled it and found your blog. Thanks for those pictures.
The thing is, even tempat ni terperuk dan agak jauh dari peradaban, it worth thousands of memories. To me, at least.
Enjoy your days there. Believe me, time do fly. 3 years, and life will continue somewhere else.
Treasure it.
Ramadhan Kareem. :)