akhinya, cite ni udah abis tp bkn di sini tp di korea.
ok la endingnye. nasib baik happy ending.
tp sedih sbb jungwoo a.k.a taecyeon xsama dgn sesapa pun
sya tgk cite ni sbb cite fairytale n cuz of taecyeon too.
sedih sbb cite ni da abis dan xdpt tgk eunjo dan cinderella aka hyosun berkerjasama dah
n bye eunjo-kihoon pair...
sedih sesgt hari nie.
sedih sbb jungwoo buang baseball bat yg tulis
"song eunjo, you will be han jungwoo's girl forever"
i in your side too.
love you jungwoo!!!
love you taecyeon!!!
love you taecyeon!!!
will miss you sweet boy jungwoo!!!
ni la muke aku masa tgk bnda nie. bole nmpak lg air matanye...