inilah kerja ak skrg nie
Posted by shadah..♥ Saturday, July 09, 2011 12:39 PM 0 commentssekarang, kena kuruskan badan.
aku xsuke kalo org cakap aku gemuk.
dan inilah kerja aku.~
bca kevin zahri blog.
doalah plan nie jadi. nk sgt kurus. especially muke aku nie.~
minggu keenam.
Posted by shadah..♥ 9:19 AM 0 commentsminggu test sudah bermula.
minggu nie ade test paradigm.
nasib baik saya dapat bnyak clue dari fafa n ellie. *thanks korang
boleh la jwab test mlm tu even though sakit tangan tulis coding.
minggu nie xde apa2 banyak berlaku.
yang saya tahu merana gak xbca novel sbb nk study for test.
nasib baik tinggal satu lg novel nak baca.
sekarang tinggal 200 page to read.
minggu nie start plan ak.
plan untuk mengubah life part 5 aku nie.
insyaAllah, jadi plan nie.
xnak jadi inda yg dulu.
PS : i miss you, R. ♥
Posted in
my life
sudah minggu kelima.
Posted by shadah..♥ Friday, July 01, 2011 2:53 PM 2 commentsminggu kelima.
minggu yang biasa je.
tp yg bestnye sbb 3 arie xde kelas. :D
hari rabu ade ceramah. ceramah ttg masa depanku.~
heehee. ceramah ttg ijazah.
after abis ceramah tu, saya tertarik pade 3 course. iaitu AI, IT n ISE.
tp still xthu nk pilih ape. saya mybe akn choose after abis practical.
n bad news, aku ade practical. T.T
and sekarang, baru aku paham betapa kuatnye effect novel nie pada aku.
start mgu dpn, aku kena stop sekejap. kalo tidak, hancur test aku.
dan tak akan jadi highest lgi.
and aku dpt nervous breakdown smlm.
n nasib baik after nangis dlm bilik air, aku dah okey.
btul la. sem nie aku selalu marah kat org smpai termarah kat member aku.
sorry la weyh.~
and sekarang, mybe will change my number again. untuk idup baru..
forget everything, forget past, and move on.
PS : i love Rif.~ <3
Posted in
my life
can't take my eyes off you
Posted by shadah..♥ Sunday, June 26, 2011 1:42 AM 0 commentsi in ♥ with this song. this is because of this movie.
10 Things I Hate About You, 1999.
classic movie.
classic movie.
heath ledger in this movie was so ROMANTIC.! so COOL.!!
and his singing is so AWWWW..!!!! :D
but too bad that he is dead. T.T
the lyric (Frankie Valli's song) :
You're just too good to be true.
Can't take my eyes off you.
You'd be like Heaven to touch.
I wanna hold you so much.
At long last love has arrived
And I thank God I'm alive.
You're just too good to be true.
Can't take my eyes off you.
Pardon the way that I stare.
There's nothing else to compare.
The sight of you leaves me weak.
There are no words left to speak,
But if you feel like I feel,
Please let me know that it's real.
You're just too good to be true.
Can't take my eyes off you.
I love you, baby,
And if it's quite alright,
I need you, baby,
To warm a lonely night.
I love you, baby.
Trust in me when I say:
Oh, pretty baby,
Don't bring me down, I pray.
Oh, pretty baby, now that I found you, stay
And let me love you, baby.
Let me love you.
PS : below, a video clip from the movie. heath's version of can't take my eyes off you. how a boy make up with his girlfriend by singing this cute song. ^.^
and his singing is so AWWWW..!!!! :D
but too bad that he is dead. T.T
the lyric (Frankie Valli's song) :
You're just too good to be true.
Can't take my eyes off you.
You'd be like Heaven to touch.
I wanna hold you so much.
At long last love has arrived
And I thank God I'm alive.
You're just too good to be true.
Can't take my eyes off you.
Pardon the way that I stare.
There's nothing else to compare.
The sight of you leaves me weak.
There are no words left to speak,
But if you feel like I feel,
Please let me know that it's real.
You're just too good to be true.
Can't take my eyes off you.
I love you, baby,
And if it's quite alright,
I need you, baby,
To warm a lonely night.
I love you, baby.
Trust in me when I say:
Oh, pretty baby,
Don't bring me down, I pray.
Oh, pretty baby, now that I found you, stay
And let me love you, baby.
Let me love you.
PS : below, a video clip from the movie. heath's version of can't take my eyes off you. how a boy make up with his girlfriend by singing this cute song. ^.^
Posted by shadah..♥ Friday, June 24, 2011 11:20 PM 0 comments24062011 |
Pesta Buku Selangor 2011
dulu aku xsuke bca novel. XSUKE sgt.~ smpai tahap BENCI.
n now, they are my friends.
smpai KTM SA pkl 5:30pm n then, went back home utk smbhyang.
after tht, siap2 again. becuz we're going to PBS 2011.
nervous giler pegi sbb first tyme pi pesta buku besar.
thn lps pegi pun besar gak. hehe
and, RAMBANG MATA do.!
bnyak giler novel kat sini.!!!! and i picked 4 novels. yikes.!
nasib baik ade 20% diskaun. so totalnye RM68.
happy giler.!!!
booth KarangKraf kat luar n masuk dewannye, lagi bnyak booth.!
makin rambang mata.
naseb baek bole control tp rase mcm nk beli satu lg tp nie smua mak punya duit.
so, xjadi.
okay. esok, pegi lagi.! hehe
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rak penuh buku.!!! |
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again.!!! XD |
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nie utk jema. hehe. |
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rak utk smua novel ramlee awang murshid. nie utk fafa. :) |
minggu keempat.
Posted by shadah..♥ 10:33 PM 2 commentsminggu nie still moody. n ak dah start keje lama
iaitu... PONTENG.
sorry sir.! ak ponteng kelas networking.
networking, i still don't like you.
continue my journey with novels.
now, i had read two novels. these two novels from ellie liliey.
thank u ellie.!
aku nie suke bca novel genre kawin paksa so bca cinta dua jiwa.
i don't like it becuz it is bored at the beginning and after they married, i like a bit.
cite nie sedih.
now, for horizon cinta. seriously, cite nie ROMANTIC.!
genre benci jadi cinta.
like it. cara dyeorg gaduh dr kapal n then, they been best friends.
sweet giler cite nie tp yg slacknye, konfliknye.
xpatut Zara buat mcm tu.
tp biler bca novel nie, ak rase mcm novel Berikan Cintamu.
xthu knpe ak rase mcm nie.
okay, now, i at Shah Alam. cuti sekejap. hehe.
sbnrnya ada hal kat sini. so terpaksa balik.
PS : after this post, it is PBS.
Posted in
my life
minggu ketiga.
Posted by shadah..♥ Friday, June 17, 2011 10:16 PM 0 commentssudah minggu ketiga di sini.
xthu nk ckp ape. hehe
um. secara ringkas, minggu nie adalah moody week.
mybe sbb bile berharap n bnda tu dpt, tp bile dah dpt bnda tu, bnda tu ilang secara perlahan2.
umm. sedih bile bnda tu ilang.
ak lupakan bnda nie biler ade sesuatu terjadi pada minggu nie gak.
dan smpai skrg, i'm HAPPY. :)
ak still dlm novel world. now, reading cinta dua jiwa by rania firdaus.
PS : next week, i'm going home.! yes.! miss my home.
Posted in
my life
i am sick.
Posted by shadah..♥ Saturday, June 11, 2011 9:05 AM 0 commentssudah minggu kedua disini.
i can adapt with the new class. class tht have 9 person only.
n i still can't adapt with networking class.
i don't know why. mybe becuz i hate networking n the lec. hehe
n i have to buy textbook of each subject. total is = RM 260. O_O
adui. kecai harapan aku nk beli novel.
n, when my lect give me idea of our system project, someone has stole it.
so, i met sir roslan. n found a new idea. yes.!
thank you sir roslan.! :)
officially, i am sick. kat blok I nie, cpt dpt penyakit btul.
sbb sejuk sgt bilik nie. adui.~
nk balik umh.! miss my home.
minggu nie ak dan ma je kat bilik. so, boring.
n yesterday, i watch 4 movies. like it.!
bye2. going to watch maharaja lawak for a bit becuz tenet is so LAJU.!!!
Posted in
my life
dan bila esok
Posted by shadah..♥ Wednesday, June 08, 2011 11:03 AM 0 commentsaku rase mcm zombie di sini, xthu knpe aku jadi mcm nie.~
makin kemaruk dgn baca novel. dah abis bca 5 novel sejak 2 minggu nie.~
dan tyme bca novel nie, dgr lagu nora elena ost dan fiction and fact album.
harga sebuah cinta-cinta akan indah-bicara hari (kali kedua)-akan kutunggu-kasih yang suci |
skrg, pegi kelas msti nyanyi lagu nie. dah jadi virus kepale otakku.~
Sofaz - Dan Bila Esok
Di dalam hati selalu tersimpan
rasa yang takkan pernah bisa ku ungkapkan
kau diam tanpa kata
saatku ungkap semua rasa
Di saat ku ingin dekat denganmu
kau semakin jauh meninggalkanku
dan kau diam tanpa kata
saatku ucap semua rasa
Dan bila esok kita kan bertemu kembali
masihkah ada ruang di dalam hatimu
tuk cinta yang pernah kita miliki
tuk selama-lamanya
Dan bila esok kita kan bertemu kembali
masihkah ada waktu untuk mencinta dirimu
tuk bisa menjagai hati ini
tuk selama-lamanya
Mungkinkah esok kita kan bertemu kembali
masihkah ada ruang di dalam hatiku
untuk cinta yang pernah engkau miliki
untuk selama-lamanya
Dan bila esok kita kan bertemu kembali
masihkah ada ruang di dalam hatimu
untuk cinta yang pernah kita miliki
tuk selama-lamanya
Dan bila esok kita kan bertemu kembali
masihkah ada waktu untuk mencinta dirimu
untuk bisa menjagai hati ini
tuk selama-lamanya
Dan bila esok kita kan bertemu kembali
masihkah ada ruang di dalam hatimu
Untuk cinta yang pernah kita miliki tuk selama-lamanya
after this, bca nie pulak. :)
n then, beli baru.
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* sayangku merajuk. |
Posted in
my life
minggu pertama.
Posted by shadah..♥ Saturday, June 04, 2011 1:49 PM 0 commentsminggu pertama. di Jengka.
start sudah perjalananku di sini till bulan oktober. *my fav month. :)
first thing first. kelas C makin sikit.
ak dah start xde mood nk blaja sbb sikit sgt.
dah xidup kelas C mcm sem lps. T.T
tp nk buat mcm mne. dah jadual clash so kena relakn.
xpe. d'sbbkn sem terakhir, ak akn tahan.
i hope this sem CS1105C still rock.!
sem nie, aku dapat kat blok I. blok lamaku, tyme part 1. rindu giler blok nie.
tp yg slacknye, bilik airnye. naseb baek dah okay.
n first tyme dpt wifi uitm.! YIPPEE.! :D
n roommate lamaku ade kat sebelah bilik ak je. ni lg ak suke.!
tp i have bad news. one of my friends will leave us, Ah Ganks.
she got a job offer n so, this sem is her last sem.
goodluck in your new life.
sekarang, tgh dgr lagu hazama. sedap lagu nie. sesuai utk juara AF9.
n now, my lect merajuk sbb terbg comment yg menyakit atie.
sorry, sir.! saya nk tulis saya nk bla. sorry sgt2.!
that's all i have to say. stay tuned for week 2.
PS :
n roommate lamaku ade kat sebelah bilik ak je. ni lg ak suke.!
tp i have bad news. one of my friends will leave us, Ah Ganks.
she got a job offer n so, this sem is her last sem.
goodluck in your new life.
sekarang, tgh dgr lagu hazama. sedap lagu nie. sesuai utk juara AF9.
n now, my lect merajuk sbb terbg comment yg menyakit atie.
sorry, sir.! saya nk tulis saya nk bla. sorry sgt2.!
that's all i have to say. stay tuned for week 2.
PS :
tgh tgk nora elena ep 16 kat YT.
Posted in
my life
sudah tiba masanye
Posted by shadah..♥ Sunday, May 29, 2011 1:25 AM 0 comments![]() |
new chapter in my life |
tiba masanye untuk balik JENGKA.
haiya.~ sebulan amatlah xcukup untuk ak bercuti.
tp apakn daya, UiTM sudah plan nie dr saya sem 4 lagi..~
skrg, saya nk updatekn list yg saya nk buat tyme cuti sem.
* download dramas (my princess, 49 days, coffee house, que sera sera n etc.)
* download english movies n tv series (hp 7, vampire diaries, glee, rango, beastly)
* guitar class with my dad
* download maharaja lawak (go JOZAN n NABIL.!!!)
ini je yang saya sempat buat dan xdpt selesai. hmm.
xpela. cuti sem satu lagi, saya akn continue list nie.
okay. bye SHAH ALAM n hye JENGKA.!
Posted in
my life
Posted by shadah..♥ Friday, May 27, 2011 4:47 PM 0 commentsbut at Japan.! T.T
it's okay because i really miss THEM.!
taemin is not skinny anymore. LOVE you.!!!
PS : lagi 2 hari sblm balik jengka. cik nieta oit, taemin ko dah chubby.!
eh, silap. taemin aku.!
Posted in
alhamdulillah.~ *edited*
Posted by shadah..♥ Wednesday, May 25, 2011 1:46 PM 0 comments![]() |
cantik.~ |
saya ingin berterima kasih kepada Allah SWT, lecturer2, my parents n my frens.~
tanpa korg, saya xkn dpt anugerah ini.~
dlm pkl 12 tgh mlm lbih, ak try bukak student portal. saja nk try. tp sbnrnye dah berazm nk tgk result esok harinye. tp sbb perasaan curious itu ade, ak pun login. n i was SHOCKED.!
ak xsangka akn dpt result mcm tu. ak igt ak xkn dpt DL sbb paper sem lps mmg susah. ak terus menangis teresak2 *sesapa yg kenal ak akn tahu ak nie jnis emo. hehe dan panggil mak ak. ak mcm xpercaya resultku mcm tu.
now, ak bersyukur sgt2.!
terima kasih pd lecturer2 yg telah menolong ak utk semester lepas. jasamu dikenang.
dan sekarang, saya ade geng nk pi dinner dekan. :D
congrats kepada AH GANKS sbb result mkin gempak dan dpt dekan *ak tahu sapa orgnye :D .!
congrats pada sesapa yg dpt dekan.!
congrats pd sesapa yg result mkin meningkat.!
kepada yg got bad news, try even HARDER next semester.~
PS : i want to watch THOR again.!!! T.T
congrats kepada AH GANKS sbb result mkin gempak dan dpt dekan *ak tahu sapa orgnye :D .!
congrats pada sesapa yg dpt dekan.!
congrats pd sesapa yg result mkin meningkat.!
kepada yg got bad news, try even HARDER next semester.~
PS : i want to watch THOR again.!!! T.T
Posted by shadah..♥ Sunday, May 22, 2011 3:47 PM 0 comments![]() |
*tickets |
the day i met CHRIS HEMSWORTH (in theater :D)
at last ak jumpa daia n mira. plan kteorg nk pegi sunway pyramid naek bas je kat PKNS.
because of acidman, mira bwk keta. yes!
smpai SP je, pegi tgv beli tickets. beli tickets nur kasih n thor.
n kteorg pegi sushi king. sedapnye sushi.! dah lama xmkn sushi.
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*nur kasih the movie |
at 1:20pm, nur kasih the movie tyme. ok la cite tu. ak bg 3/5.
1st half a bit boring sbb ak dah bca synopsisnye so xsurprise la kn.
2nd half sedih giler.! ak igt adam akn mati. naseb baek x.
kesian nur bile adam mati, sakit tua. dye bgaikn hilang ingatan sbb xigt sapa anknye n keluarganye. movie nie ade selitkn the notebook scene. adam tulis cite dye n nur dlm notebooknye. dan notebook tu la yg menyebabkn dye igt anknye. sedih giler part tu.
nk kira 3 kali nangis. 1st tyme nur gugur. 2nd tyme adam sakit. 3rd tyme budak tu mati sbb kena hentam dgn besi oleh kwn dye. n dye dermakn jantungnye pade adam.
seriously, SEDIH giler tyme tu.!
after that, pegi jusco pegi smbhyang n ak continue pegi asian avenue. cari beg kuliah.
nk beli tp bile check harga, trus xjadi. rm90. mmg ak xmampu la.
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*thor |
pkl 4:30, tgk Thor. ak bg 4.5/5.!
seriously, FUCKIN HOT giler dye.! body WOW!
citenye best sgt smpai ak tgh search ttg chris hemsworth and sequel thor, the avengers. xsabar nk tgk cite tu. tp tahun depan cite tu release.
so, kena tunggu la. cite the avengers tu ade ironman, hulk, thor, captain america. wow, ade chris evans and chris hemsworth. :D
n rupenya, tyme creditnye ade satu scene. ttg avengers. tp kami keluar awl so terlepas la. adui.! rase mcm nk tgk balik je. best giler movie nie.!!! ^_^
n tgk cite nie, buatkn telinga pekak sekejap. sound effect sgt la kuat smpai buat ak melatah la tyme satu scene tu. 0.5 hilang dr rating ak sbb endingnye. slack endingnye. tu jela.
chris hemsworth akn berlakon dgn kristen stewart.! yeay.!
name movie tu snow white and the huntsman. :)
kteorg smpai umah ak pkl 8. n daia and mira lepak umhku smpai pkl 9.
now, xsabar nk tgk cite captain america pulak. hehe
gambar chris hemsworth xde facial hair and ade.
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^_^ |
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O_O |
kedua-dua gmbr handsome but ade facial hair, MACHO.!
Posted in
WHAT THE WHAT?! *edited*
Posted by shadah..♥ Thursday, May 19, 2011 10:35 PM 0 commentsright now, this is my feelings about the ending.!
thank god that i write one shot about this drama. to satisfied myself.
now, i plan to dwnld episode 19 n 20 (WTF ending) next week.
if everyone watch this drama, watching ep 1 till 19 only.
20 just skipped it if don't want to see a sad ending.
20 just skipped it if don't want to see a sad ending.
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*49days |
Posted in
if the ending is cruel
Posted by shadah..♥ Wednesday, May 18, 2011 10:56 PM 0 comments![]() |
* yikyung - jihyun |
if the ending is DEATH, i really HATE this drama.!
emo sekejap.
jung il woo, you are CUTE, COOL n HANDSOME.!!!
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* jihyun - han kang & yikyung - yisoo |
after this drama end tomorrow, i will give my review.
i really HOPE she alive. not DEAD.!
Posted in
Posted by shadah..♥ 1:02 AM 0 commentsjunhyung n park bo young.
when i got to know their new title song 'Fiction', terus igt fiction story and one shots ak buat.~
tp video ini sangat sedih.!
kesian junhyung.!
n wow, my hyunseung's hair is orange.! O_O
'Fiction' lyric:
'Fiction' lyric:
[DJ - Doojoon, JH - Junhyung, KK - Kikwang, HS - Hyunseung, YS - Yoseob, DW - Dongwoon]
[DJ] I still can’t forget you
I still can’t trust everything
Even today I can’t send you away like this
[JH] I will rewrite it again, our story will not end
I will bury fact that reality is seeping into my skin for now
I rewrite it once again, the start beginning with you and I smiling happily
In case you will leave me, the background is a small room without an exit
[KK] I kiss you as if there is nothing wrong
I can’t leave your sweet presence
There is no such thing as an end for us
[HS] Like this again (Fiction in Fiction)
I can’t forget you (Fiction in Fiction)
I am writing the story that will never end in my heart
[YS] I will hold on to you (Fiction in Fiction)
I won’t let you go (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction)
Even today, I’m in the story of you and I that hasn’t ended still, in Fiction
[KK] Right now, there are only happy stories here
The very happy stories of just the two of us (Different from reality)
Is written here, it’s slowly filling up
[HS] I run towards you and embrace you
I can’t never let you go from my embrace
There is no such thing as an end for us
[DW] Like this again (Fiction in Fiction)
I can’t end it (Fiction in Fiction)
I am writing the story that will never end in my heart
[YS] I will hold on to you (Fiction in Fiction)
I won’t let you go (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction)
Even today, I’m in the story of you and I that hasn’t ended still, in Fiction
[YS] I will say this again, one more time
Right now you are next to me
I’m believing like that
([DW]But Fiction)
[JH] I’m the writer who lost his purpose
The end of this novel, how am I supposed to write it
([DW] My own Fiction)
I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I keep writing these 3 words
([DW]Everything is Fiction) Setting the warn out pen on the old paper strained in tears ([DW]Everything is Fiction)
This story can’t be happy or sad
[DJ] Right now I’m writing such a happy story
But it is all just a wish still
[DW] I’m happy (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction)
[HS] We are together (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction)
[DW] Now is the start (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction)
[YS] There is no end (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction)
PS :
satu hari xonline sbb balik perak, tgk atukku.~ atukku pengsan semalam.
dye dah okay. alhamdulillah.~
This story can’t be happy or sad
[DJ] Right now I’m writing such a happy story
But it is all just a wish still
[DW] I’m happy (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction)
[HS] We are together (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction)
[DW] Now is the start (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction)
[YS] There is no end (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction)
PS :
satu hari xonline sbb balik perak, tgk atukku.~ atukku pengsan semalam.
dye dah okay. alhamdulillah.~
Fiction and Fact
Posted by shadah..♥ Tuesday, May 17, 2011 12:26 AM 0 comments![]() |
* hyunseung.!!! :) |
yeay.!!!! new album of BEAST has released.!!!
love it.! ♥♥♥♥♥
literally, i LIKE all songs.!!
if anyone to download the album, you can click on this link.
will sleep while listening to this album.!
random post again.
Posted by shadah..♥ Monday, May 16, 2011 8:29 PM 0 commentstoday is GLEE day.! ^_^
Posted by shadah..♥ Wednesday, May 11, 2011 1:36 PM 0 commentsnow, i want my FINCHEL back again!!!
after i watch Jar Of Hearts perf, i cry because Rachel don't want Finn in her life again.
n Finn still love her.
why director?! why you make them torn apart.! why.!
hehe. emosional sikit. heehee.
enjoy jar of hearts perf.
Posted in
eng series
somewhere only we know
Posted by shadah..♥ 12:57 AM 0 commentsdah lama xdgr lagu nie. lagu tyme ak sekolah menengah.
rindunye lagu nie. lagu classic. ♥♥
ade 2 MV.
satu dr original artist, Keane. n another one is Glee.
suke 2 lagu.! ^.^
lagu nie mmg SEDAP.~
I walked across an empty land
I knew the pathway like the back of my hand
I felt the earth beneath my feet
Sat by the river and it made me complete
Oh simple thing where have you gone
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin
I came across a fallen tree
I felt the branches of it looking at me
Is this the place we used to love?
Is this the place that I've been dreaming of?
Oh simple thing where have you gone
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin
And if you have a minute why don't we go
Talk about it somewhere only we know?
This could be the end of everything
So why don't we go
Somewhere only we know?
Oh simple thing where have you gone
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin
So if you have a minute why don't we go
Talk about it somewhere only we know?
This could be the end of everything
So why don't we go
So why don't we go
This could be the end of everything
So why don't we go
Somewhere only we know?
I knew the pathway like the back of my hand
I felt the earth beneath my feet
Sat by the river and it made me complete
Oh simple thing where have you gone
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin
I came across a fallen tree
I felt the branches of it looking at me
Is this the place we used to love?
Is this the place that I've been dreaming of?
Oh simple thing where have you gone
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin
And if you have a minute why don't we go
Talk about it somewhere only we know?
This could be the end of everything
So why don't we go
Somewhere only we know?
Oh simple thing where have you gone
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin
So if you have a minute why don't we go
Talk about it somewhere only we know?
This could be the end of everything
So why don't we go
So why don't we go
This could be the end of everything
So why don't we go
Somewhere only we know?
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eng series
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