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*tickets |
the day i met CHRIS HEMSWORTH (in theater :D)
at last ak jumpa daia n mira. plan kteorg nk pegi sunway pyramid naek bas je kat PKNS.
because of acidman, mira bwk keta. yes!
smpai SP je, pegi tgv beli tickets. beli tickets nur kasih n thor.
n kteorg pegi sushi king. sedapnye sushi.! dah lama xmkn sushi.
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*nur kasih the movie |
at 1:20pm, nur kasih the movie tyme. ok la cite tu. ak bg 3/5.
1st half a bit boring sbb ak dah bca synopsisnye so xsurprise la kn.
2nd half sedih giler.! ak igt adam akn mati. naseb baek x.
kesian nur bile adam mati, sakit tua. dye bgaikn hilang ingatan sbb xigt sapa anknye n keluarganye. movie nie ade selitkn the notebook scene. adam tulis cite dye n nur dlm notebooknye. dan notebook tu la yg menyebabkn dye igt anknye. sedih giler part tu.
nk kira 3 kali nangis. 1st tyme nur gugur. 2nd tyme adam sakit. 3rd tyme budak tu mati sbb kena hentam dgn besi oleh kwn dye. n dye dermakn jantungnye pade adam.
seriously, SEDIH giler tyme tu.!
after that, pegi jusco pegi smbhyang n ak continue pegi asian avenue. cari beg kuliah.
nk beli tp bile check harga, trus xjadi. rm90. mmg ak xmampu la.
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*thor |
pkl 4:30, tgk Thor. ak bg 4.5/5.!
seriously, FUCKIN HOT giler dye.! body WOW!
citenye best sgt smpai ak tgh search ttg chris hemsworth and sequel thor, the avengers. xsabar nk tgk cite tu. tp tahun depan cite tu release.
so, kena tunggu la. cite the avengers tu ade ironman, hulk, thor, captain america. wow, ade chris evans and chris hemsworth. :D
n rupenya, tyme creditnye ade satu scene. ttg avengers. tp kami keluar awl so terlepas la. adui.! rase mcm nk tgk balik je. best giler movie nie.!!! ^_^
n tgk cite nie, buatkn telinga pekak sekejap. sound effect sgt la kuat smpai buat ak melatah la tyme satu scene tu. 0.5 hilang dr rating ak sbb endingnye. slack endingnye. tu jela.
chris hemsworth akn berlakon dgn kristen stewart.! yeay.!
name movie tu snow white and the huntsman. :)
kteorg smpai umah ak pkl 8. n daia and mira lepak umhku smpai pkl 9.
now, xsabar nk tgk cite captain america pulak. hehe
gambar chris hemsworth xde facial hair and ade.
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kedua-dua gmbr handsome but ade facial hair, MACHO.!