simple question : what is love?
according to Wikipedia, love is the emotion of strong affection and personal attachment.
but each person has their own definition of love.
for me, love is one thing tht i always feel but never have the chance to feel with 'the one'.
maybe 'the one' is waiting for me but never know when we will meet.~
now, i like this guy tht i shouldn't like. n now, trying to forget. like usual.
this has been my routine, forget him~
just be myself minus love someone-self
tht's why i hope now it is 2012.
i want this pic be come true but Allah the only one who knows.~
so, i will accept HIS plan for me, my fate.~

i agree with this quote. tht's why i always make mistakes in love issue.
i trying to be mature this semester.
i have 2 semesters to get my diploma.
n, after tht, bye bye him.~
akhirnya, ak sudah luahkn. xdela perang jiwa lps nie.~
terima kasih my bloggie.~
oh. ak ada terpikir sruh kwn2 ak matchmakekn ak.
tibe2, maklangku ckp umur skrg la cri pkwe n dye ckp kalo xde sesapa2, dye nk matchmake dgn pegawai2 dye knal. huh?
pndapat korg? marissa, kakta... nk pendpt kamu.~
according to Wikipedia, love is the emotion of strong affection and personal attachment.
but each person has their own definition of love.
for me, love is one thing tht i always feel but never have the chance to feel with 'the one'.
maybe 'the one' is waiting for me but never know when we will meet.~
now, i like this guy tht i shouldn't like. n now, trying to forget. like usual.
this has been my routine, forget him~
just be myself minus love someone-self
tht's why i hope now it is 2012.
i want this pic be come true but Allah the only one who knows.~
so, i will accept HIS plan for me, my fate.~

i agree with this quote. tht's why i always make mistakes in love issue.
i trying to be mature this semester.
i have 2 semesters to get my diploma.
n, after tht, bye bye him.~
akhirnya, ak sudah luahkn. xdela perang jiwa lps nie.~
terima kasih my bloggie.~
oh. ak ada terpikir sruh kwn2 ak matchmakekn ak.
tibe2, maklangku ckp umur skrg la cri pkwe n dye ckp kalo xde sesapa2, dye nk matchmake dgn pegawai2 dye knal. huh?
pndapat korg? marissa, kakta... nk pendpt kamu.~