- tadika masjid negeri
- sk seksyen 9
- sr agama seksyen 3
- smk seksyen 9
2)What classes were you in?
- suka buat terperinci
- 1 mutiara (class 2nd last), 2 delima (class 2nd), 3 nilam (nyaris nk msk klas 1st tp wujudnye klas intan - 1st. so tolak ke klas 2nd), 4 nilam, 5 - 6 mutiara (class 3rd)
- 1 hingga 3 dedikasi (sbb dpt klas KH Pertanian), 4 hingga 5 SIK (klas akaun/IT)
3)What was/were your favourite lesson(s)?
- musics, maths, english, chemistry! and IT...
4)If you could remember, what time was your recess?
- igt la... 10:10 - 10:30
5)List down your favourite food/snacks.
- nasi ayam termasuk sayur dan ayam gorengnye
- nasi pattaya dye sdp dgn kuah atas lg
- laksa
- bihun sup
*nak senang makanan kat kantin SMKS9 mmg sedap gile!
1)Did you have a nickname way back in high school?
- nah. dah nama saya inda ishadah. jd, smua org panggil inda. kdg2 hidayah pggil shadah cuz nickname kat umah.
2)How did you wear your socks?
- mcm biasa la... start from right leg and to left leg. it's simple
3)Have you been suspended due to the way you put on your uniform?
- no way. xpenah kena tegur!
4)Were you given plenty of reminders about your appearance?
- none....
5)Who did you look up to when you were in high school?
- biasanye teachers...
1)Name one memorable scene where you were punished in front of the whole class.
- igt satu je. samar samar je scene ni. masa tu darjah tiga di sek rendah agama sek 3. bdk2 kelas aku ejek kwn aku, atikah nadhirah. jd2, atikah bwk abg dye jumpa dgn bdk2 tu tp might be xjumpa kut so dye balik. esok harinye, ustaz suruh sapa yg terlibat dgn bnda ni jumpa kat satu kelas ni. ustaz pun mrah2 kterorg dan kena pukul dgn rotan kat tapak tgn. sakit duh kna bnda tu
2)How many times did you skip class? What were you doing?
- xigt. sikit kut. ade satu yg igt. skip class sbb cikgu xde so trus balik dgn yvonne. masa tu form 3. satu lg, mlas nk pi surau so satu geng kte pi library smpai dah abis sklh.
3)Give one scene where you escaped from being caught/punished.
- masa tu form 3. nak elak dr gi surau so nyorok kat tangga dewan dekat entrance masuk kantin. tb2 aku dgr cikgu rosliyah dtg nk check. aku dan suhaila nyorok dgn naik tgga nyorok kat tepi pintu dewan. dah la masa tu ade bdk form 5 dlm dewan utk periksa kut. xigt sgt. gile risky masa tu. kwn kte yg kena tangkap dgn cikgu ialah athirah dan yvonne.
4)Did you vandalize any school property?
- xpenah. except meja sekolah ada la. hahaha
6)Did you ever make any teacher cry?
- igt lg. not exactly cry but frustrated. cikgu zalma. cikgu zalma mrah dgn klas 5 sik sbb xsiap h/w dan xambil berat ttg thn ni hadapi spm. dye gile frus dgn xmsk klas chem dgn kterorg. xblaja rubber lgsng. bile liyana, ketua kelas plan nk minta maaf cikgu dgn bg cake, kteorg smua setuju. bile cikgu dtg, kterorg bg cake dan minta ampun. cikgu maafkan. dlm beberapa bulan, aku dgr klas 5 ste pulak buat hal dgn cikgu. smua ni d'sbbkn x ambil perhatian pd spm
7)Who were your favourite teachers?
- cikgu zalma chem dan cikgu loh maths
8)Describe your DM.
- apela DM tu...
9)Who was the funniest/weirdest/loudest teacher?
- cikgu manaf. cikgu tu suke buat lwk dlm klas muzik...
- cikgu nizam. cikgu KH
- xtahu nk pilih sapa...
1)Were you popular back then?
- no way. i'm the quiet-one.
2)Were you in a big group of boys/girls or small ones?
- when primary, a big one of boys and girls. when high school, small ones for girls.
3)Who were your best friends?
- hdyh, manie, jihan dan kavilah
4)Did you and your friends have nicknames?
- for our geng ade la. klau geng aku dlm 5 SIK, geng SHY cuz kterorg mmg pemalu. klau geng kwn2 yg gi asrama, geng CHOPSEY. mula2 xtahu ape mksdnye tp bile nuha post this topic, now i kwow that CHOPSEY terbalik stands for psycho. haha
5)What were you favourite memories of you and your friends?
- skip classes dan suka lepak2
1)What type of CCA were you in?
- kelab selanggara, kelab sains pertanian, kelab pembimbing rakan sebaya, kelab permainan dalaman, kelab badminton, PBSM.
2)What did you have to bring to your CCA?
- notebook
3)What did your CCA required you to do?
- lawatan ke bukit cerakah, buat minit mesyuarat dan etc
4)Got injured?
- tak!
1)How did high school changed you?
- always remember frenship. geng SHY and CHOPSEY!!!
2)Sing one verse of your school song.
- beriman, berilmu, berjasa,
beriman, berilmu, berjasa,
inilah kebanggaanku,
putera puterinya yg _________
cerdas, pintar dan perkasa
dah xigt lagu sekolah. haha
3)What was your favourite question?
- kena buat dlm group ke? that's ques. that i can remember
4)Who/what will you remember from your high school?
- friends and chemistry classes
5)Any memories you will not forget.
- mrah kwn dgn kuat gile smpai smua org tgk saya. malu gile masa tu