hari ni, mood xbaik sbb asyik pikir spm je. tkut dapat keputusan teruk or worse and smlm dpt mimpi ttg spm xtunjuk keputusan but jumpa kwn2 yg lain. pelik btul! but why i can't breath cuz something happen today. hari ni asyik pikir twilight series starting with thinking breaking dawn. sbb xsaba nk bca ttg edward and bella wedding dan xsaba tgk deleted scenes of twilight movie. skrg accesshollywood dah keluar 2 videos of twilight.
tb2 mlm nie mak dan adik2 yg lain keluar gi sa mall beli smthg. kte plan nk ikut nk beli smthg but pikir balik tkut movie tu gmbr xlawa. so, ddk umah. buka laptop ayah. surfing internet. bile dierorg dah balik, tb2 adik kte ckp ada hadiah hari jadi. i guess bnda yg kte nk beli kat sa mall and my guess is correct. it is........Twilight DVD!!!! my heart pounding when i hold the cd. i was like What The!
i can't believe it! and the colour was clear. i can't wait to watch.