post ni utk my friends. i-miss-hangout-with-u-all... hari ni masa mandi, asyik pikir je nape aku rasa kwn2 aku jauh sgt dr aku. mcm xdgr satu berita pun ttg mereka. rindu dgn hdyh, jie, mira, pika, intan, manie dan geng chopsy! berckp dgn hdyh, mira, manie and others. ireallyreallyreallymissuall! masa type this post using my father's laptop, jatuh airmataku smpai xhenti. dah skrg saya menghadapi masalah and no one to talk about this. tp bile bg sms about others, xjwb pun example: manie. might be run-out-of-credit. nasib baik hari ni mira dtg umah sbb amik new moon book. mengubat rinduku
this is for my friends:
i'm sorry if i have hurt your feelings. about darah thingy. when we talked about this, kan i have headache . lps ttp comp, continue bca breaking dawn. terkejut gile. mlm tu pnuh dgn darah. saya bca part bella minum darah. lps tu, trus ttp buku dan tido. terkejut gile part tu. i miss talking with you. hangout u with mira. although when we hangout with mira, i always be thequietgirl. nottalking.
i want to ask u about this, why i think that u tried to avoid me. when i post about twilight, u always the 1st to comment but this time, u didn't give me comments... at-all. please comment this post! when u return, i want to return your novel. you might be miss your novel.
i-really-miss-this-couple. no offense.joking only. i miss talking with mira. she's funny. she has many comic books. seriously. now she borrowing my twilight saga. at first, i hate when someone borrowing my books. but when she stopby at my house for borrowing my new moon, i'm glad cuz this book continue our frenship although she always contact her other friends.
although she is in malaysia, not taiwan anymore, but she has gotten busy with her new college, assignment and other college things. i miss hangout with her. our last hangout when i got my spm results... when she asked to hangout, i always have business ex: kmpg. when she in taiwan she always call me. i really miss that moment. i wish we got back that time. i really wish she read this but i think she can't read my blog with her exams rite now.
the last time we hangout when edufair. wow, lama gile xhangout. rite now, she busy with her new job at her moms. bile sms ari ni, dye xjwb. might no credit. apela cite dye. dye dulu penah jd kwn baik masa sklh menengah. dye selalu tlg saya when i have problems. about my stepmother. education. she always me support about my actions. when i found out that my father wants to marry again, i know that this might be happen but i don't know this thing happen fast. i talked this thing to manie, hdyh, mira n jie. i cried alot about this thing. manie said takdir tuhan. they always givemesupport aboutthisthing.

<--- this picture when i'm taking using my handphone. when we skip class and they stand on the trolley at bilik SPBT. that was that moment.
5-geng chopsey!
geng chopsey!!!!! apela cite korg ye. xde dgr cite dah except nuha. nuha always give me updates about her life. rite now, she miss her mr.architect. ain, nabihah, rabie xdgr cite langsung. syafa baru sms ajak keluar dgn kwn2 dye tp xboleh sbb hari rabu. kali terakhir masa edufair. gmbr terbaru ialah atas this description. that's half of chopsey. other half i dont know what happen to them.

if anyone asked me why i didnt talked about 5 SIK, sbb xrindu langsung. except ooi cuz he is the 1st guy i talked when i enter 4 SIK. tapi kte rindu geng ICT... although i always thequietone but i enjoyed when we hangout at makmal ict. rindu gile klas dan makmal. mcm mana dgn cikgu mirul ye... aiman iqbal pun aku xde dgr cite. pika pun sama tp dye ade blog so boleh tahu update about her life.
sandy ade blog i tgk tp xdgr cite dah.
last word: please keep contact with me. any word cannot express my feelings.
this is for my friends:

i'm sorry if i have hurt your feelings. about darah thingy. when we talked about this, kan i have headache . lps ttp comp, continue bca breaking dawn. terkejut gile. mlm tu pnuh dgn darah. saya bca part bella minum darah. lps tu, trus ttp buku dan tido. terkejut gile part tu. i miss talking with you. hangout u with mira. although when we hangout with mira, i always be thequietgirl. nottalking.
i want to ask u about this, why i think that u tried to avoid me. when i post about twilight, u always the 1st to comment but this time, u didn't give me comments... at-all. please comment this post! when u return, i want to return your novel. you might be miss your novel.

i-really-miss-this-couple. no offense.joking only. i miss talking with mira. she's funny. she has many comic books. seriously. now she borrowing my twilight saga. at first, i hate when someone borrowing my books. but when she stopby at my house for borrowing my new moon, i'm glad cuz this book continue our frenship although she always contact her other friends.

although she is in malaysia, not taiwan anymore, but she has gotten busy with her new college, assignment and other college things. i miss hangout with her. our last hangout when i got my spm results... when she asked to hangout, i always have business ex: kmpg. when she in taiwan she always call me. i really miss that moment. i wish we got back that time. i really wish she read this but i think she can't read my blog with her exams rite now.

the last time we hangout when edufair. wow, lama gile xhangout. rite now, she busy with her new job at her moms. bile sms ari ni, dye xjwb. might no credit. apela cite dye. dye dulu penah jd kwn baik masa sklh menengah. dye selalu tlg saya when i have problems. about my stepmother. education. she always me support about my actions. when i found out that my father wants to marry again, i know that this might be happen but i don't know this thing happen fast. i talked this thing to manie, hdyh, mira n jie. i cried alot about this thing. manie said takdir tuhan. they always givemesupport aboutthisthing.

<--- this picture when i'm taking using my handphone. when we skip class and they stand on the trolley at bilik SPBT. that was that moment.
5-geng chopsey!
geng chopsey!!!!! apela cite korg ye. xde dgr cite dah except nuha. nuha always give me updates about her life. rite now, she miss her mr.architect. ain, nabihah, rabie xdgr cite langsung. syafa baru sms ajak keluar dgn kwn2 dye tp xboleh sbb hari rabu. kali terakhir masa edufair. gmbr terbaru ialah atas this description. that's half of chopsey. other half i dont know what happen to them.

sandy ade blog i tgk tp xdgr cite dah.
last word: please keep contact with me. any word cannot express my feelings.
March 24, 2009 at 10:28 AM
wuwuwu~ kangan jugaaaa.
ouh pasal syafa ajak gi mid tu tak interested ke??
March 24, 2009 at 10:59 AM
interest tp tkut xde transport...
lgpun malu la klau kte sorg je dr geng chopsey
March 24, 2009 at 2:54 PM
wow bella minum darah? haha tak sabar nak baca BR!
pelik kite tak rasa spoiler pun kali ni makin tak sabar nak baca BR ada la hahahh!! x)
yea miss you too dear :)
wow mira pinjam new moon!
March 24, 2009 at 2:58 PM
yeay!!!! hidayah bg comment! at last!
u must believe it.
mira bca new moon rite now